Manage Physical Presence Of Your Distance Education Program With E-Learning Compliance
Generally, an institution has a physical presence when it operates a campus, branch instructional facility whether leased or owned or administrative office within the boundaries of a state. However, because the specific definition currently varies greatly from state to state, especially with regard to out of state institutions that seek to conduct any activity within another state, State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) has established its own uniform standard for physical presence versus distance education. This standard takes the place of all conflicting state laws for purposes of SARA but does not affect the application of existing state laws to colleges that choose to operate outside of SARA or which are based in states that are not SARA members. With the commencement of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), the institutions are relieved from the difficult process of acquiring authorization from various states and their agencie...