
Showing posts from March, 2019

Simplify Your Grant Management Process With Grant Management System

Grant management plays a very important role in institutions like university and colleges as it has a direct impact on the research and quality of the institutions. Universities and colleges require funds to carry out various researches and administrative functions and this funds are made available by the government and private entities in the form of grants. To manage this grants properly one needs to know all the rules and regulations. With private funders, the regulations and requirements can be adequately handled through good business and accounting practices. But it's different with governments grants especially federal grants. Uniform guidance offered by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget along with agency-specific and program specific requirements, requires that someone with the organization needs to develop an understanding of rules and regulations. While it's true knowing how to navigate the red tape is necessary, there is much more to grant management. ...

How To Manage Compliance Of Your Distance Education Program?

Distance learning or E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technology to access the educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered online. There are many terms used to describe learning that is delivered online, via the internet, ranging from Distance Education to computerized electronic learning, online learning, internet learning and many others. E-Learning is defined as the courses which are specifically delivered through the internet to somewhere other than the classroom where the professor is teaching. For delivering distance education program in the United States, institutions required to obtain approval for the regulated activities in a particular state. These activities may include - online learning, practical experiences, faculty teaching from another state, marketing, advertising and more. The requirement as to which activities require authorization, the application process and the cost to...

Build A Successful Program With Mentoring Software

Mentoring is most often defined as a professional relationship between mentor and mentor. In this relationship, the teaching faculty assists the student in developing specific skills and knowledge which will enhance the student's intellectual personal growth. The faculty member provides guidance and support in an individualized manner to the student. The responsibilities of the teaching faculty i.e mentor are broad and diverse. They include, but not limited to serving as a role model, advising students as to coursework requirement, and providing formal instruction in a given discipline as well as helping identify and achieve their individual short and long-term educational goals. Mentoring helps students to clear all their doubts related to a particular subject and can excel in it. It also motivates students to take up new challenges, knowing that they have someone behind them to help to solve their issues and problems related to the particular subject. With an electronic platfo...

Manage Your State Authorization Process With E-Learning Compliance

In the United States, institutions which are offering higher learning education through regular mode or distance education mode needs to be authorized by the state entities or agencies to run the program in the particular state. For obtaining or renewing this authorization, institutions need to follow some state regulations. The state authorization regulation requires an institution to be authorized by the state in which it is mainly located, or in which it has an additional physical location offering at least half of an educational program. Authorization refers to the legal authority for an institution to operate in a state. If an institution is offering postsecondary education through distance or correspondence education to students in a state in which it is not physically located or in which it is otherwise subject to state jurisdiction as determined by the state, the institution must meet any state requirements for it to be legally offering distance or correspondenc...