Faculty Productivity Management app

Faculty Productivity plays an important role in the progress of any educational institute. With the expansion of educational institutions, it has become very difficult for university and college to manage the administrative procedures and increase productivity faculty and researchers. To deal with this problem, Inknowledge Inc. presents Faculty Productivity app in  Mentis which helps university or college to increase the productivity of their faculty and researchers.

  • Update your profile frequently and just pull into your dossier when needed. The application is also integrated with other campus systems to reduce the data population.
  • You can setup different workflows for different schools or colleges to fit their unique business requirements.
  • You can set committees at any unit level to help a chair or dean in the evaluation process. Review deadlines can help make sure progress is made and there are no bottlenecks.
  • You can let each college or school set their own productivity templates while standardizing the evaluation criteria to add consistency and transparency in your evaluation process.
  • You can integrate faculty productivity app with other apps in Mentis or existing applications in Mentis to push or pull data to improve the consistency of data and eliminate repeated request for the same information from faculty.
  • You can complete accreditation reports, run analytics and draw insights from all the data that is already vetted through an evaluation process.
For more information, please visit our official website Inknowledge Inc. You can also contact us at info@inknowledge.com.


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