Enterprise System for Higher Education


With the expansion of educational institutions, it has become very difficult for university and college to manage the administrative procedures and streamline communication between the institution's department and personnel. To deal with this problem, Inknowledge Inc. presents an enterprise system for higher education that organizes data, automates processes & transform academia management, Mentis®.

Mentis simplifies university management system by the number of apps namely E-Learning Compliance (ELC), Profiles, Faculty Productivity, Community Service Learning, Grant Management, Conflict of Interest, Mentor and Track & Internal Competitions.

Mentis provides the solution for many departments in university and college like Provost, Research, Chair & Dean, Research & Planning, Distance Learning, Library and Community Service.

E-Learning Compliance (ELC)

E-Learning Compliance (ELC) app helps you manage your compliance management. E-Learning Compliance app also helps you track and stay on top of your professional licensure and state authorization compliance.

With E-Learning Compliance (ELC) app,

  • You can access the ready-to-use and comprehensive database of state entities and licensure boards covering over 35 different professions.

  • You can record and track all business, employment, advertisement, instruction and recruitment activities by the program.

  • You can directly integrate Mentis with your Student Information System and modify your student enrollment data.

  • You can gather analytical information and derive insights from a number of prebuilt analytical reports.

     I. Authorization Status Across State                                     II. Authorization Progress

        III. Category wise Expenditure                                    IV. Year wise Expenditure

                 V. Status Explorer                                 VI. State-wise cost versus processing time

      VII. Activity Calendar

     VIII. State and Program Status Matrix

  • A repository of all your program related information that can also be maintained by your program coordinators.

  • You can save time with auto-reminders, to-dos and automatic website publishing.

  • You can keep documents and maintain notes related to your research on licensure requirements, employee files, internal discussions and call logs. Notes can be edited and shared with your entire team and allow you to build an usable knowledge base.

  • You can track expenses for each authorization and licensure by category. Maintain remarks and use expense reports for budget reporting or planning.

  • You can create a centralized repository of all your related documents. Drag and drop multiple files to upload or reuse previously uploaded files.

  • You can use pre-built reports or use rules to filter records for visualization or reporting. Export the data to work off-line or directly grab a snapshot for including in your business reports.

  • You don’t have to update your website manually. Pre-built, customizable, public-facing explore portal will automatically update your disclosures for you.

  • We maintain the agency contacts and their links for you so you don’t have to spend your time searching and finding that information on the internet.

  • You can analyze your student enrolment numbers with your licensure and authorization status. Know the students that need to be contacted and proactively monitor your compliance.


Profiles app provides a platform to let faculty easily describe all their teaching, research and service activities. Furthermore, it makes these activities available online, for other faculty, students, industry and community partners, to easily search and find.

With Profiles app,

  • You can create profiles for the research centre, equipment, laboratory, facility and technology, which complements with your people profiles to provide a complete and holistic view of the institution's resources, expertise and capabilities.

  • You can search any profile with real-time, full-text search with restful application programming interface (API) allowing for integration with any website or third-party application.

  • Using the Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs you can make any other system read data in Profiles directly from the browser or any other remote application. Rest API provides a simple, platform-neutral, high performance, stateless network interface to the public profile data.

  • You get administrative options and complete access to the entire source code and granular level control of the data which makes the system fully customizable and adaptable to your unique requirements.

  • You can integrate Profiles app with other apps in Mentis or create your own apps. All apps in Mentis can interact with each other, and with third-party systems, via services. Data generated in Profiles app can be easily consumed by the other thereby reducing data redundancy and improving the overall integrity of data.

Faculty Productivity Management

Faculty Productivity Management app helps university or college to increase the productivity of their faculty and researchers.

With Faculty Productivity Management app,

  • Update your profile frequently and just pull into your dossier when needed. The application also integrates with other campus systems to reduce the data population.

  • You can set up different workflows for different schools or colleges to fit their unique business requirements.

  • You can set committees at any unit level to help a chair or dean in the evaluation process. Review deadlines can help make sure progress is made and there are no bottlenecks.

  • You can let each college or school set their own productivity templates while standardizing the evaluation criteria to add consistency and transparency in your evaluation process.

  • You can integrate faculty productivity app with other apps in Mentis or existing applications in Mentis to push or pull data to improve the consistency of data and eliminate repeated request for the same information from faculty.

  • You can complete accreditation reports, run analytics and draw insights from all the data that that is already vetted through an evaluation process.

Community Service Learning

Community Service Learning app helps users of Mentis to describe and document the community and service learning projects conducted by them and share the projects on their profiles. Community Service Learning also allows administration to run reports on the submitted projects for various internal and external reporting requirements.

With Community Service Learning,

  • You can modify your participation survey to include additional data points and always have the most accurate information about your civic engagement at your fingertips.

  • You can tag individuals and give credit to one or more key individuals (both faculty and staff) on the project. Tagging people not only allows individuals to be listed on your project but also allows them to import the projects onto their profiles reducing duplicate data entry.

  • You can allow your users to link one or community partners to each project and know exactly what partnerships are building around you.

  • You can run exports on all data captured in the system and export it out for sharing if required. Community Service Learning also lets you directly export participation survey and effectiveness metrics data over a period of time for submission to the President’s Community Service Honor Roll.

  • You have administrative options, complete access to the entire source code and granular level control of the data makes the system fully customizable and adaptable to your unique requirements.

  • You can integrate Community Service Learning app with the other apps in Mentis or create your own apps. All apps in Mentis can interact with each other, and with other third-party systems, via services. Data generated in Community Service Learning app can be easily consumed by the other thereby reducing data redundancy and improving the overall integrity of data.

  • You can identify, strengthen, and create collaborative community partnerships that advance your university’s mission.

  • You can assign keywords to projects to identify issues that are critical to the success of your organization and community you belong to. Strategic issues can be addressed and used to build a foundation for future and forward-thinking strategies that can help your organization seize current opportunities.

  • You can increase awareness and disseminate information about your community projects to both internal and external stakeholders. At most organizations information about such projects generally resides with one department collecting this data, or within the heads of your faculty conducting these projects.The system allows your organization to share the information via individual profiles, reports or special purpose websites not only within the organization but throughout your community and move a little closer to your goal of social change.

  • Information once in the system can be used by the public, by collaborators, by faculty’s managing units or by the university administration in a number of ways - all without inundating the faculty with additional requests for information. Faculty can include information into their annual reviews and directly receive feedback from review committees on their community project.

Grant Management

Grant Management app helps in managing your complete grant proposal procedure from applying grant to awarding grant.

With Grant Management,

  • Faculty can submit their pre-proposal certification form and get approved by their department heads electronically.

  • You can speed up review process by sending out review requests simultaneously to all reviewers and remove the bottlenecks inherently present in a linear approval process.

  • You can integrate Grant Management app with other research administration functions. Regulatory Compliance, Conflict of Interest management and technology transfer, can be tightly integrated into your grant management process to automate related business processes and improve compliance with internal and external policies and procedures.

  • You can use elaborate budget builder to propose effort in months, percentage or salary and let the builder calculate the rest for you.

  • You can use additional online forms like Indirect Cost Waiver, Indirect Cost Distribution, Cost Share commitment and approval, multiple-credit which are built into the system to even allow for special cases to be handled online.

  • It lets your faculty report their award activity and let sponsored programs office personnel verify and issue award letters.

  • You can run reports at an institutional level or college/school level or drill-down to specific faculty to see their proposal and award activity. Draw insights and provide them to administration. It lets faculty directly pull this information into their productivity reporting tools and showcase their accomplishments on their profiles.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest is a situation that has the potential to undermine the impartiality of a person because of the possibility of a clash between the person's self-interest and professional interest or public interest. In today’s research enterprise, it is understood that conflicts can be inherent. Concerns arise when a conflict could be perceived or have an effect on the objectivity of research activities. The key to handling potential conflicts is full disclosure of the situation to allow monitoring and conflict management.

With Conflict of Interest app,

  • You can set up your disclosure form, setup follow-up questions to be asked based on responses, provide help text and perspective for what is expected.

  • You can auto-remind when disclosures are due, or set up triggers based on activity in other Mentis apps or external systems.

  • You can re-certify disclosure frequently and don’t have to wait for the disclosure to expire.

  • You can actively ask your faculty to rectify their disclosure with each proposal they submit. Track disclosure status alongside their proposal review to never let them default.

  • You can setup a review committee and conduct review of any potential conflicts of interest online. You can document all information within a single system and communicate with faculty directly from within the system.

  • If a conflicts exists, you can document the management plan within the system and set up reminder to review the plan based on time elapsed to internal or external triggers.

Mentor and Track

Mentor and Track app provides a platform to allow faculty to have a discussion with their students or trainees about their goals and progress. Mentor and Track app helps faculty members to track progress of their students i.e mentees on the goals assigned to them for current year.

The app includes goal-review process for the previous year and goal-setting process for the current year. As a part of the process, the student also completes a short survey to update his or her biodata along with listing the names of internal and external faculty members that are part of his dissertation committee and his or her expected graduation date.

The process is initiated by faculty member by completing a review of the previous years goal for his existing students. Faculty can add new students and can mark existing students as graduated or dropped-out. During the review, the faculty marks each goal as met or not, and can add optional comments. Once the review is complete, the faculty has an option to suggest goals for the upcoming year.

With Mentor and Track app,

  • You can set goals and track progress of students and trainees.

  • Lets your student create Individual Development Plans and receive guidance and mentoring from their faculty in better achieving their career goals.

  • You can use goals to track progress. Set goals for a new year and review accomplishment of previous years.

  • You can run reports to monitor progress of mentoring activity, anticipate graduation rates and draw insights for drop-out rates.

  • You can set standardized goal templates but let faculty add new goals to suit their own unique mentoring style.

  • You can let student submit their presentations, papers published, awards and accolades every year and use that to track their progress.

Internal Competitions

Internal Competitions app provides platform for faculty to submit their proposals online for internal funding opportunities and other competitions.

With Internal Competition app,

  • You can announce limited submissions, internal funding opportunities and other competitions. Establish deadline and proposal submission guidelines.

  • Let your faculty to submit their proposals online from anywhere in the world.

  • You can let faculty populate their proposal using information already available in Mentis. As all apps in Mentis can interact with each other. Data generated in one app can be easily consumed by the other thereby reducing data redundancy and improving the overall integrity of data.

  • You can setup review committees for each program and use for multidisciplinary and tiered reviews to select the best proposal.

  • You can establish common deadlines and use review sheets to improve transparency into the review process.
For more information, please visit our official website Inknowledge Inc. You can also contact us at info@inknowledge.com.


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