Mentor and Track System

Mentor and Track app in Mentis provides a platform to allow faculty to have a discussion with their students or trainees about their goals and progress. Mentor and Track app helps faculty members to track the progress of their students i.e. mentees on the goals assigned to them for the current year.

The app includes the goal-review process for the previous year and goal-setting process for the current year. As a part of the process, the student also completes a short survey to update his or her biodata along with listing the name of internal and external faculty members that are part of his dissertation committee and his or her expected graduation date.

The process is initiated by the faculty member by completing a review of the previous year's goal for his existing students. Faculty can add new students and can mark existing students as graduated or dropped out. During the review, the faculty marks each goal as met or not, and can add optional comments. Once the review is complete, the faculty has an option to suggest goals for the upcoming year.

With Mentor and Track app,
  • You can set goals and track the progress of students and trainees.
  • Lets your student create Individual Development Plans and receive guidance and mentoring from their faculty in better achieving their career goals.
  • You can use goals to track the progress of the mentoring activity, anticipate graduation rates and draw insights for drop-out rates.
  • You can set standardized goal templates but let faculty add new goals to suit their own unique mentoring style.
  • You can let student submit their presentations, papers published, awards and accolades every year and use that to track their progress.
For more information, please visit our official website Inknowledge Inc. You can also contact us at


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