
Showing posts from May, 2018

Internal Competitions app in Mentis

Internal Competition is an important aspect of any educational institute like university and college which leads to better teaching, learning and research. Inknowledge Inc. presents Internal Competitions app in Mentis  that provides the platform for faculty to submit their proposals online for internal funding opportunities and other competitions. With Internal Competition app , You can announce limited submissions, internal funding opportunities and other competitions. Establish deadline and proposal submission guidelines. Let your faculty submit their proposals online from anywhere in the world. You can let faculty populate their proposal using information already available in Mentis. As all apps in Mentis can interact with each other. Data generated in one app can be easily consumed by the other thereby reducing data redundancy and improving the overall integrity of data. You can setup review committees for each program and use for multidisciplinary and ...

Faculty Productivity Management app

Faculty Productivity plays an important role in the progress of any educational institute. With the expansion of educational institutions, it has become very difficult for university and college to manage the administrative procedures and increase productivity faculty and researchers. To deal with this problem, Inknowledge Inc. presents Faculty Productivity app in  Mentis which helps university or college to increase the productivity of their faculty and researchers. With Faculty Productivity  app, Update your profile frequently and just pull into your dossier when needed. The application is also integrated with other campus systems to reduce the data population. You can setup different workflows for different schools or colleges to fit their unique business requirements. You can set committees at any unit level to help a chair or dean in the evaluation process. Review deadlines can help make sure progress is made and there are no bottlenec...

Community Service Learning app

Introduction Community Service Learning (CSL) is an educational approach that integrates service in the community with intentional activities. Within effective CSL efforts, members of both educational institutions and community organizations work together towards outcomes that are mutually beneficial. Known by a variety of terms (e.g. service learning, community based learning), CSL programs are most effective when they include key elements drawn from experimental education theory, especially developing critical thinking and intentionally facilitating reflection. Carefully designed and implemented CSL programs and courses assist students to make meaning from their community experiences, to connect experience outside of the classroom to more theoretical study, and to develop as individuals in relation to their values, their sense of social responsibility, and their leadership skills. Inknowledge Inc. present Community Service Learning app in Mentis to describe and document the ...

Conflict of Interest Management app

Introduction Conflict of Interest is a situation that has the potential to undermine the impartiality of a person because of the possibility of a clash between the person's self-interest and professional interest or public interest. In today's research enterprise, it is understood that conflicts could be perceived to have an effect on the objectivity of research activities. The key to handling potential conflicts is full disclosure of the situation to allow monitoring and conflict management. Inknowledge Inc. presents a comprehensive application in Mentis ®  for managing the conflict of interest in educational institutions like university and college. The conflict of interest app is useful for many departments of university and college like Office of Provost, Office of Research and Office of Chairs and Dean. Conflict of Interest app helps to - Review the faculty's conflict of interest with each activity and changes in their disclosure. Automate conflict of intere...

Showcase your teaching, research and service activities using Profiles app

Profiles app in Mentis provides a platform to let faculty easily describe all their teaching, research and service activities. Furthermore, it makes these activities available online, for other faculty, students, industry and community partners, to easily search and find. With Profiles app , You can create profiles for the research centre, equipment, laboratory, facility and technology, which complements with your people profiles to provide a complete and holistic view of the institution's resources, expertise and capabilities. You can showcase your teachings, research, research interest and service activities. You can search any profile with real-time, full-text search with restful application programming interface (API) allowing for integration with any website or third-party application. Using the Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs you can make any other system read data in Profiles directly from the browser or any other remote application. Rest AP...

Mentor and Track System

Mentor and Track app in Mentis provides a platform to allow faculty to have a discussion with their students or trainees about their goals and progress. Mentor and Track app helps faculty members to track the progress of their students i.e. mentees on the goals assigned to them for the current year. The app includes the goal-review process for the previous year and goal-setting process for the current year. As a part of the process, the student also completes a short survey to update his or her biodata along with listing the name of internal and external faculty members that are part of his dissertation committee and his or her expected graduation date. The process is initiated by the faculty member by completing a review of the previous year's goal for his existing students. Faculty can add new students and can mark existing students as graduated or dropped out. During the review, the faculty marks each goal as met or not, and can add optional comments. Once the review is ...

Achieve zen with Grant Management

Introduction In the United States, many nonprofits, schools and universities rely on grant funding. Each year, all U.S. grant sources give an estimated $1 trillion in grant money. The federal government alone spent $489 billion in grant funding in fiscal 2006, since then the amount increased tremendously. With the increase in the amount of grant funding the problem of managing it has increased. To deal with this problem, Inknowledge Inc. presents Grant Management app which facilitates Grant and Contract Services. Grant & Contract Services works with University faculty and staff throughout the campus in the identification of potential funding sources and development of proposals for sponsored projects in all areas such as research, education, training and more. Grant Management by Inknowledge Grant Management app in Mentis helps in managing your complete grant proposal from applying for the grant to awarding grant. With Grant Management app, You can let ...

Improve your Compliance Management

Introduction U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) now requires institutions that offer distance education in a state in which it is not physically located or in which it is otherwise subject to state jurisdiction as determined by the state, to obtain approval for their online programs in each state. The requirements as to which activities require authorization, the application processes, and the costs to comply vary greatly from state-to-state. Also, state authorization is not a one-shot process. It is a process that needs to be revised regularly owing to ever-changing requirements and varying renewal timelines of each State Authorization Agency (SAA). Institutions have to not only obtain and maintain state authorization for their programs but also, in the absence of any organized electronic solution, have to deal with the following problems: Tracking approval and renewal status of authorization for various online programs in various states. Keeping track of all...

Enterprise System for Higher Education

Introduction With the expansion of educational institutions, it has become very difficult for university and college to manage the administrative procedures and streamline communication between the institution's department and personnel. To deal with this problem, Inknowledge Inc. presents an enterprise system for higher education that organizes data, automates processes & transform academia management, Mentis ®. Mentis simplifies university management system by the number of apps namely E-Learning Compliance (ELC), Profiles, Faculty Productivity, Community Service Learning, Grant Management, Conflict of Interest, Mentor and Track & Internal Competitions. Mentis provides the solution for many departments in university and college like Provost, Research, Chair & Dean, Research & Planning, Distance Learning, Library and Community Service. E-Learning Compliance (ELC) E-Learning Compliance (ELC) app helps you manage your compliance management. ...